
“Great article and I feel very humble with how she presented it”

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Frank Forsman

“Thank you so so so much! This post touches my heart on so many levels”

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Heike Werntgen MIxed Media Art by Heike Wertgen

Hello Windy, I am so happy about it. It is wonderful. especially the longer video is so soulful. Thank you very very much for this wonderful opportunity to show my art! This is so amazing! I have no words to express what I feel…. I had tears in my eyes while watching the video. Thank … Continue reading Petra Hartman

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Petra Hartman

Your blog post was great. I really loved it. Thank you very much, i will share it on my social media!

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Philothei Arts

Suggestion “Perhaps to make a Blog title available for each artist, so that each of us can obtain an individual link. Other than that…. many thanks!”

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Phyllis Moon

Thank you so much for all the efforts you put in this, your writings, questionnaire and your genuine interest in art and what lays behind it of emotions and personal stories! All respect and appreciation for you 

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